Man lives in a multi-dimensional environment. Heaven and hell is just across the chasm. When we die, we just change dimensions. If you are a Christian and have been born again, you go to the Sixth dimension, a place of Paradise, where the dead in Christ goes back to being young again in a celestial body, waiting for the day when Christ shall come back to earth again in the rapture to pick up/catch away and raise their mortal bodies from the dust of the earth into one that’s immortal and incorruptible, unto a glorified body, which is set to reign and rule with Christ in the Millennium and in the new heaven and earth.
If you are a sinner who missed to heed and/or has rejected the Gospel and then you died without having been able to repent of your sins nor having been able to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you go to a place called Fifth Dimension, where the souls of the wicked are imprisoned, awaiting the day of the final Great White Throne Judgment, to be judged according to what they’ve done in their bodies.
If we can grasp the way dimensions and realms operate, we can easily use them to our advantage as Restored Christians.
The first dimension is Light. Without light, there would be no living things on earth. Without light coming from the sun, the earth and everything on it will freeze and will cease to exist. God said in the beginning, “Let there be Light! And there was Light”. God Himself is Light. I John 1:5 states, “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.”
The second dimension is Time. Time began and was issued in the economy of mankind when man fell from grace. Adam was supposed to be eternal. He was a perfect man created in the image of God not prone to death nor sickness. But due to the Fall, when Eve was deceived by the serpent into eating and partaking with the forbidden fruit and dragged her husband Adam into it, death entered into human life. “But of the fruit of the tree in the midst of the Garden, thou shalt not eat, for the moment that you eat thereof, that day you’ll DIE”, Genesis 3 tells us. Man began to age and to weaken after the fall. “Man [that is] born of a woman [is] of few days, and full of trouble,” that’s according to Job 14:1. Time will cease one day after everything has been restored by God back to its original condition.
The whole nature today is groaning for the manifestation of the sons of God. All of nature has been perverted, and one day, the new Garden of Eden will be restored back by the second Adam, Jesus Christ, to live in it with His Bride. In Malachi 4 it says, “The righteous shall walk upon the ashes of the wicked”. II PETER 3:10-12-” But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. [Seeing] then [that] all these things shall be dissolved, what manner [of persons] ought ye to be in [all] holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?” One needs to have the “Zoe” (eternal life) of God in him in order for him to live beyond time element. They need to receive Christ, the Giver of “eternal life”. See MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD article for more on this topic.
The Third Dimension is Matter. “Matter” is defined as “anything that have mass and occupies space”. Everything that we see around us, from botany life to animal life, from land formations to water forms, these are known as “matter”.
Man is made out of sixteen elements from matter. These sixteen elements are: 1. Calcium 2. Chromium 3. Copper 4. Iodine 5. iron 6. Magnesium 7. Manganese 8. Phosphorus 9. Pottasium 10. Selenium 11. Zinc 12. Molybdenium 13. Flouride 14. Oxygen 15. Hydrogen 16. Sulfur. If you lack any one of these elements, you will have a system imbalance. You will feel weak. That’s why we need to eat, take some rest, avoid vices, and nourish this “temple” in which the Holy Ghost of God dwells upon.
In order for man to contact his environment, God gave man five senses: hear, taste, smell, feel and see - in order for him to be able to contact the surrounding material world in which he lives. Faith is the sixth sense that God gave us. Faith is the “evidence of things that we do not see, hear, fell, smell or taste” (Hebrews 11)- yet these things that we believe upon are true. “Fact” is far more different from Truth. It is a fact that every man that is born on this earth will die. But the truth is, if you are born of the Spirit of God, you shall no longer die. That’s according to Jesus Himself: “He that believeth on Me, though he were dead yet he shall live. Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me, shall never die.”
The Fourth Dimension is Science. Science involves things that are unseen to the natural eyes but they exist based on natural laws, yet are not quite plain to a common man’s understanding. Electricity, for example, cannot be seen. But when one gets to know the law of electricity and apply these laws today, he could run a whole city’s machineries, lighting systems, communication systems, and transportation systems.
When Thomas Edison discovered the principle of light and came up with the light bulb, he unveiled some hidden mysteries from the fourth dimension. When Albert Einstein learned how to split the atom and introduced the theory of relativity, he broke into the realms of scientific advancement which gave man a basis for future discoveries for both human knowledge and progress.
Television, as a product of science, for example, can pick up sights of events from far-flung places and bring them to you through your TV monitors live and in real time. This was only made possible when man discovered and caught the lightwaves and radiowaves from the earth’s stratosphere. The same technology works for sattellite systems. Scientific discoveries like the Cathode rays, the x-ray and other applications using laser technology can make a lot of jobs easier now than it was before when science had not yet unveiled that such things are real. Television and electricity, according to Brother Branham, was here already even in the time of Adam, but man was not yet able to harness them.
How about today’s technology such as the invention of cars, bullet trains, submarines, airplanes, rockets and spaceships? The internet, for example, was only made discovered for human use during the last part of the 20th century and is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. It was prophesied that in the last days, “knowledge shall increase.” Consider the invention of nuclear weapons and atomic bombs that could wipe off a whole nation from the map. These latest discoveries are being taken advantage today by mad scientists who could tamper into God’s laboratory to find ways and means to destroy their perceived enemies - his fellow mankind. Brother William Branham mentioned that most of the sicknesses of people today are considered as “fourth dimension” diseases, meaning, they are brought about by scientific wastes, pollutants, toxins, hybrid food and by radioactive materials.
Science came as a result of man’s partaking of the fruit of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil. Science is not a perfect will but a permissive will of God. There’s both good and evil in science. The gunpowder can help people hunt for food but it can also kill people. Yes, the car can bring people to different destinations but it can also kill innocent lives if driven by drunk and reckless drivers. One day, science will be done away with in the new civilization that Christ will establish upon this earth. We won’t need cars there. We will fly faster than the speed of light just like angels do. You will go through walls, just like Jesus did after His resurrection. You will just speak to nature and it will obey you - say, “tree and mountains, you move right there!” Didn’t Jesus promised that “if you have the faith of a mustard seed”, that you can move mountains and do all these supernatural things? Adam had that same power before he fell. It will be restored back to us by God comes millennium time and the great hereafter. There will be no wars over there. The lion will sit with the lamb, and the wolf with the lad. Everything will be peaceful once the kingdom of God is restored back on earth.
If you are a sinner who missed to heed and/or has rejected the Gospel and then you died without having been able to repent of your sins nor having been able to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, you go to a place called Fifth Dimension, where the souls of the wicked are imprisoned, awaiting the day of the final Great White Throne Judgment, to be judged according to what they’ve done in their bodies.
If we can grasp the way dimensions and realms operate, we can easily use them to our advantage as Restored Christians.
The first dimension is Light. Without light, there would be no living things on earth. Without light coming from the sun, the earth and everything on it will freeze and will cease to exist. God said in the beginning, “Let there be Light! And there was Light”. God Himself is Light. I John 1:5 states, “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.”
The second dimension is Time. Time began and was issued in the economy of mankind when man fell from grace. Adam was supposed to be eternal. He was a perfect man created in the image of God not prone to death nor sickness. But due to the Fall, when Eve was deceived by the serpent into eating and partaking with the forbidden fruit and dragged her husband Adam into it, death entered into human life. “But of the fruit of the tree in the midst of the Garden, thou shalt not eat, for the moment that you eat thereof, that day you’ll DIE”, Genesis 3 tells us. Man began to age and to weaken after the fall. “Man [that is] born of a woman [is] of few days, and full of trouble,” that’s according to Job 14:1. Time will cease one day after everything has been restored by God back to its original condition.
The whole nature today is groaning for the manifestation of the sons of God. All of nature has been perverted, and one day, the new Garden of Eden will be restored back by the second Adam, Jesus Christ, to live in it with His Bride. In Malachi 4 it says, “The righteous shall walk upon the ashes of the wicked”. II PETER 3:10-12-” But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. [Seeing] then [that] all these things shall be dissolved, what manner [of persons] ought ye to be in [all] holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?” One needs to have the “Zoe” (eternal life) of God in him in order for him to live beyond time element. They need to receive Christ, the Giver of “eternal life”. See MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD article for more on this topic.
The Third Dimension is Matter. “Matter” is defined as “anything that have mass and occupies space”. Everything that we see around us, from botany life to animal life, from land formations to water forms, these are known as “matter”.
Man is made out of sixteen elements from matter. These sixteen elements are: 1. Calcium 2. Chromium 3. Copper 4. Iodine 5. iron 6. Magnesium 7. Manganese 8. Phosphorus 9. Pottasium 10. Selenium 11. Zinc 12. Molybdenium 13. Flouride 14. Oxygen 15. Hydrogen 16. Sulfur. If you lack any one of these elements, you will have a system imbalance. You will feel weak. That’s why we need to eat, take some rest, avoid vices, and nourish this “temple” in which the Holy Ghost of God dwells upon.
In order for man to contact his environment, God gave man five senses: hear, taste, smell, feel and see - in order for him to be able to contact the surrounding material world in which he lives. Faith is the sixth sense that God gave us. Faith is the “evidence of things that we do not see, hear, fell, smell or taste” (Hebrews 11)- yet these things that we believe upon are true. “Fact” is far more different from Truth. It is a fact that every man that is born on this earth will die. But the truth is, if you are born of the Spirit of God, you shall no longer die. That’s according to Jesus Himself: “He that believeth on Me, though he were dead yet he shall live. Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me, shall never die.”
The Fourth Dimension is Science. Science involves things that are unseen to the natural eyes but they exist based on natural laws, yet are not quite plain to a common man’s understanding. Electricity, for example, cannot be seen. But when one gets to know the law of electricity and apply these laws today, he could run a whole city’s machineries, lighting systems, communication systems, and transportation systems.
When Thomas Edison discovered the principle of light and came up with the light bulb, he unveiled some hidden mysteries from the fourth dimension. When Albert Einstein learned how to split the atom and introduced the theory of relativity, he broke into the realms of scientific advancement which gave man a basis for future discoveries for both human knowledge and progress.
Television, as a product of science, for example, can pick up sights of events from far-flung places and bring them to you through your TV monitors live and in real time. This was only made possible when man discovered and caught the lightwaves and radiowaves from the earth’s stratosphere. The same technology works for sattellite systems. Scientific discoveries like the Cathode rays, the x-ray and other applications using laser technology can make a lot of jobs easier now than it was before when science had not yet unveiled that such things are real. Television and electricity, according to Brother Branham, was here already even in the time of Adam, but man was not yet able to harness them.
How about today’s technology such as the invention of cars, bullet trains, submarines, airplanes, rockets and spaceships? The internet, for example, was only made discovered for human use during the last part of the 20th century and is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. It was prophesied that in the last days, “knowledge shall increase.” Consider the invention of nuclear weapons and atomic bombs that could wipe off a whole nation from the map. These latest discoveries are being taken advantage today by mad scientists who could tamper into God’s laboratory to find ways and means to destroy their perceived enemies - his fellow mankind. Brother William Branham mentioned that most of the sicknesses of people today are considered as “fourth dimension” diseases, meaning, they are brought about by scientific wastes, pollutants, toxins, hybrid food and by radioactive materials.
Science came as a result of man’s partaking of the fruit of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil. Science is not a perfect will but a permissive will of God. There’s both good and evil in science. The gunpowder can help people hunt for food but it can also kill people. Yes, the car can bring people to different destinations but it can also kill innocent lives if driven by drunk and reckless drivers. One day, science will be done away with in the new civilization that Christ will establish upon this earth. We won’t need cars there. We will fly faster than the speed of light just like angels do. You will go through walls, just like Jesus did after His resurrection. You will just speak to nature and it will obey you - say, “tree and mountains, you move right there!” Didn’t Jesus promised that “if you have the faith of a mustard seed”, that you can move mountains and do all these supernatural things? Adam had that same power before he fell. It will be restored back to us by God comes millennium time and the great hereafter. There will be no wars over there. The lion will sit with the lamb, and the wolf with the lad. Everything will be peaceful once the kingdom of God is restored back on earth.
The Fifth Dimension is Hell. It is where the wicked and the unbeliever go after they die
The Sixth dimension is Heaven or Paradise. It is where the Christian goes when he/she dies. His/her body lies in the grave, but the spirit goes to a place called “paradise” waiting for the time that Jesus will raise the dead in Christ as spoken in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-27
The Seventh Dimension is where God is. God dwells in the seventh dimension. He alone rules the universe by His power and majesty. Heaven is His throne and earth is His footstool. One day, His kingdom will come down on earth. Heaven and earth will embrace together. The power of God will fill the earth and everything will get back to eternity. All those with “eternal life’ in them will enjoy the rest of their lives in His presence.
Read the whole chapter of REVELATION 21 where seventh dimension coming down to earth is discussed.
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