Except Those Days Be Shortened.. What Does This Mean?

  “Let him which
is on the housetop (he is a carpenter,
putting a new roof on.) not come down to
take any thing out of his house: Neither let
him which is in the field (a farmer) return
back to take his clothes.” All this is based
on when you see the abomination that
maketh desolate. To interpret that, it
means a time of excessive hatred, seeking
to deprive Jerusalem of its inhabitants.
“And woe unto them that are with child,
(This is not for our day: it was for back
then.) and to them that give suck in those
days! (Those with small children.) But pray
ye that your flight be not in the winter,
neither on the Sabbath day: For then (This
happened two thousand years ago in 69
A.D.) shall be great tribulation, such as was
not since the beginning of the world
(Notice how this is worded) to this time, (in
69 A.D.when that was going to take place)
no, nor ever shall be. And except those
days should be shortened, there should no
flesh be saved.” I have two sources of
history, Josephus the Jewish historian and
also another book called Ancient History,
written by a man by the name of Bloss. It
is over a hundred years old. Both
historians wrote about the Roman armies,
under the leadership of Vespasian, who
got word from Rome to go to Jerusalem
and put down the insurrection, (because at
that time the Jews at Jerusalem were
divided into three categories. Already they
were having revolts in the city. The orders
from the emperor at Rome were to
Vespasian, Go to Jerusalem and put down
the revolt, that was all. I want you to listen
carefully, what Jesus said to the disciples,
Then, when you see abomination that
maketh desolate, standing, or existing in
the holy place or holy area, then you get
out of here. Don’t stop to take anything out
of your house. When that siege started, all
histories declare that when the Romans
finally approached the city of Jerusalem,
they came through from the north and the
eastern side, they took control of every
village. Many Jews from that city would
flee to Jerusalem, many would flee to the
next one, and on and on Vespasian’s army
would move. Many of the Jews that had
been living in the northern areas had all
come to hide behind the walls of
Jerusalem, so the city was over crowded,
with thousands of Jews in the city. By the
time they got there, the word had already
spread, Vespasian is on the way, and they
are laying ravage every village and city. All
the disciples that had followed Jesus were
gone. They were ouof there. Where did
they go, B? Over to Saudi
Arabia. That is why, when we pick up the
history of Christendom, Christendom was
spread by those disciples because they
went to Saudi Arabia. History wise, when
we come to the second century, true
Christians lived in Saudi Arabia. Not one
Holy Ghost Christian that had listened to
Jesus that day, perished in the destruction
of Jerusalem. When the gates of the city
were finally shut and the great siege was
on, (I do not remember how many months
this siege lasted.) but there was no way for
any food to be brought in and there was
no way for anyone to escape. Just
remember what was said. I remember
what Titus said, when the siege was finally
over and the city of Jerusalem, (the
inhabitants that were left alive) finally fell
to defeat on August 10, 69 A.D. He made a
complete circle around the walled city. In
the valley of Kidron, all through that siege,
Jews that had been killed on the walls
while fighting the Romans, or Jews that
had died from starvation or otherwise,
their bodies were pitched over the wall
into the valley of Kidron. The words of Titus
were, This truly was an act of their own
God. That is what Titus said. Titus was the
son of Ves pasin who had been called back
to Rome to be the next Emperor. This is
what that verse actually means, Except
those days be shortened, there would be
no Jewish flesh saved alive. That pertained
to 69 A.D., when that great siege finally
