Twice God called Israel His Anointed in 1 Chronicles 16:22 & Psalms 105:15 ...Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm His presence went with them everywhere as a cloud by day, and fire by night. The presence of God is the availability of the Divine Unction. 
Ecclesiastes 8:4 - "Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?" God is revealed through his holy word, and if you want His power and presence in you, study and meditate on His holy word. The more of God's word you have embedded in you, the more powerful and anointed you are.

 The anointing is God's presence by the Holy Spirit. The anointing on Jesus was by the Holy Spirit (see Luke 4:18; Acts 10:38). The anointing we have received from Jesus is by the Holy Spirit. (Compare I John 2:20, 26-27; John 14:26.) The anointing is God's Spirit and power for service in this earth. Jesus has provided the same presence of the Holy Spirit for us in our earthly ministries that He had in His
earthly ministry!
 To be anointed by God is not only to be picked, but also to be empowered by Him for the task or position to which He has called you. The Hebrew word "Messiah" and the Greek word "Christ" both
mean "the Anointed." Anointing was a sign of Israel's coming Redeemer. The prophet Isaiah, looking
forward in time by the Spirit of God, saw One through Whom "the yoke [of Satan's oppression] shall be destroyed because of the anointing" ( Isaiah 10:27).  
 The basic meaning of the Bible word "anoint" is "to pour on, smear all over or rub into." In the Old Testament, someone who was anointed by God for special service to God had oil poured or smeared on him.
