"And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood (no human teacher) hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also
unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; (What rock? This rock of spiritual revelation of course, but some churches think/believe He was speaking of Peter's name, because the name Peter, means little stone.) and the gates of hell would not come against the church, He only said that they would not prevail against it." If the church had been built upon Peter's name, then tell me, What was there about that name that could keep the gates of hell from prevailing against the church after Peter died? Peter preached the truth, and was instrumental in establishing church doctrine, but there was nothing about the man, nor his name, that would protect the church from being overcome by the forces of hell once Peter has left the scene in death.

 The Catholics claim to go back to the apostle Peter with what they teach; but they do not know that Peter was not the apostle to the Gentiles, nor that he was never in Rome. Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles, and true Christians know that; but just because of what they heard later, that Jesus said to Peter, “Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church,” they canonized Peter, and gave him a place that God never meant for him to have. They give him recognition as the first pope of the Roman Catholic Church; but they refuse to live like Peter lived. They will not preach what Peter preached, nor baptize the way Peter baptized, yet they hide behind his fleshly image, and cry, We are the Church, and look upon anyone who differs with them, as a heretic. They call their popes, the successors of Peter. Then they will bow down and worship them, something Peter would never allow anyone to do. Brother you talk about a lie out of the pit of hell: that whole system is a lie. Can anyone blame Peter for that? Absolutely not. I guarantee you: If Peter could stand in the streets of Rome today, you would hear some different sounds coming out from there. You would not find any foot kissing, bead counting, nor hail Mary’s. There would either be some genuine repentance, or there would be some people scrambling to get away from him. 

 it was the revelation Peter had in his spirit (that Jesus is the Son of God, the Christ) that would be the rock on which Jesus would build His church, and the reason the gates of hell cannot prevail, is because there is no power on earth nor in hell, that can strip your soul of a true revelation. Regardless of what the forces of evil may do to you, it is that revelation in your soul, that stands like a rock, unmovable, waiting for the salvation of the Lord. They can kill your flesh, but they can never prevail against that true revelation placed in your soul by the Spirit of God. Amen.
