Is God Three? What Is The Trinity?

 God is a sovereign Spirit. He is not a person. We need to see Him as the Spirit He is; and realize
that this same Spirit manifests Himself in three office works. It is not God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. That would make Him three. He is not three, He is ONE. The sovereign Spirit that created everything, became Father when He begat something that could call Him Father. Then, in process of time He created a cell of human life in a young virgin girl; and when that child was born into the world he was the only begotten Son of God. That child was as human as any of us; but his Father was SPIRIT, not human; and certainly not a person. God has never been person, and never will be a person; but when His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON became 30 years of age and was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan river, this sovereign SPIRIT which was His Father entered
into Him in the fullness of all of His attributes.
From that time forth, that Son called Jesus was a
God man, because the very SPIRIT which is GOD was in Him; but you still do not refer to Him as GOD the SON. Rather, it is GOD in HIS SON. That shows GOD, this sovereign SPIRIT that created all things, in His second office work, that of the Son of God; but there is still just ONE PERSON in the picture.

 The only person in the Godhead is JESUS the SON. Now someone is sure to say, What about God the Holy Spirit? Well there again you do not properly use that terminology in referring to the Holy Spirit. A true revelation of the Godhead would cause one to refer to the HOLY SPIRIT (or Holy Ghost) as God (the same Spirit that created all things) in His third office work. Therefore it is GOD
AS FATHER, GOD IN HIS SON, and GOD AS THE HOLY SPIRIT; but regardless of the office work, God is ONE, He is SPIRIT; and He is not a person. I hope this little explanation will help someone to understand the difference between the various references found in the Bible. When the apostle Paul said, (Eph 1:3) "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ,” it was the same as saying, Blessed
be God, which is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which also has blessed us with all spiritual
blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Does that not make his statement easier to understand? If you can see God in these three office works, it will keep you from trying to figure out how He could be ONE GOD, and at the same time be three persons.

 No one has ever yet been able to explain that three-person God the Trinitarian people claim to believe in. Why? Simply because such a God does not exist. This sovereign Spirit which is God, has manifested Himself in various forms in Old Testament times for various reasons, but none of those forms were to be looked upon as the eternal God.
 None of those old Patriarchs ever went looking for God in the same form He may have appeared to
them in; because they knew the God they served was SPIRIT, and not a man. Therefore when we say, The spirit of God never dies, that is the absolute truth. If the man called Jesus the Christ had been God Almighty, He could not have died on that old cross to pay our sin debt; because GOD cannot die. HE is eternal. GOD was in the man who died for us, to pay our sin debt; (2 Corinthians 5:19) but GOD did not die. It was the Human, the man called Jesus, that died, not the GOD (SPIRIT) that was in Him. See our article on "Questions About The Godhead" for more clarify any confusion you may have on this simple topic.
