Genesis 1:1 tells us that, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth,” but it does not tell us how many millions of years passed before verse 2 picks up the account of God bringing the earth out of its chaotic, void state. The writer did not give any hint at all of what took place to cause the earth to be void, with darkness upon the face of the deep, but I am completely convinced that this void state was a result of a former judgment of God upon whatever inhabited the earth in that prehistoric era of time. For the answer as to what inhabited the earth then, we look both at the Bible and to scientific excavations. We know they are finding evidence that the earth at one time had huge animals, dinosaurs and such like that could not have possibly existed on this side of Genesis 1:2, and the Bible furnishes us with evidence that God’s angelic family had to go through a time of testing whereby their loyalty to God their creator was proven.

 Therefore, we believe that Lucifer was placed at the head of God’s angelic host and given an animal kingdom right here on earth to rule over. They were huge in size, but they lived in peace with each other. Since Lucifer was a spirit being without a tangible form and all the other angels were likewise, Lucifer, by his own free choice, became a spirit of murder. Since spirit beings do not kill each other, how did he actually become a murderer? He no doubt began to entertain himself by inspiring those huge animals to attack each other. All he had to do was begin to sow discord among them the very same way that he does among mankind even today. Eventually, they began to rise up against each other and lock themselves in a death struggle. God probably let it go on for some time before He called Lucifer into his presence to give an account of what was happening. Murder was a product from the heart of Lucifer; not from God. So by reading between the lines we can see why Jesus had a right to accuse him of being a murderer from the very beginning.
 Now we will look at what was probably his first lie to God, making him a liar, and the father of lies. You who are parents will know exactly what I am talking about. How many times have you caught your little boy in some kind of mischievousness and when you would say, Son, what are you doing? What would his answer be? Nothing. I wasn’t doing anything, Daddy. What is he doing now? He is lying. Instead of confessing his wrong doing, he is lying, saying he was not doing anything. That is, no doubt, exactly what Lucifer did. When God said, Lucifer, what have you been doing to cause all that killing? I can just hear him saying, N-O-T-H-I-N-G, when all the time God knew exactly what he had been doing.
 I am convinced that these deserts which stretch out for miles and miles on the various continents of this earth are not a result of the flood of Noah’s day; I believe they are marking the sits of those prehistoric battlegrounds. I believe God has allowed them to remain as infallible proof of a prehistoric past. Of course they are finding proof of such an era in other places also. A large museum in Springfield, Missouri, has a skeleton of a dinosaur that they have pieced together from what they have found. They also have a glass cage that contains a dinosaur footprint. Somewhere back in that era of time a dinosaur stepped in a swampy area and left that print. Something happened which caused that area to become petrified so that it looks like a huge rock with a large footprint pressed into it. That glass cage holds evidence that somewhere back in time there was a gigantic reptile which left a footprint to be discovered in the area of Southern Illinois. Scientists claim that at some time in the prehistoric past Southern Illinois was a swampy country, a place such as dinosaurs would have lived in. There is a petrified forest out in Arizona which also stands as present day proof that at one time there were giant trees growing there that could not have possibly been this side of our Eden and besides that, they are located right near the edge of a desert land. We all know it takes a lot of water to grow large trees. They just do not grow in desert type areas. So all the fragments of evidence that can be put together, point to the fact that this very planet at one time was inhabited with huge beasts, reptiles, and there is some evidence that there were large birds which had teeth, and all such like, and that something happened suddenly which caused these various fragments to be preserved for a testimony that they existed. What happened so suddenly that some of these animals have even been found with a preserved cud of grass still in their throat or mouth? Questions to ask, Answers to find!
