From Pentecost Till Now! (WHERE ARE WE?)

 The apostle Paul preached the same revelation to the Gentiles that Peter, James, John and all of them preached to the Jews. However as time passed, and those apostles of Jesus passed off the scene, the spirit of antichrist began to work through certain individuals to rob the Church of the true revelation it had been founded upon. Satan, coming at the Church in a deceptive manner, just little by little stripped her of the true revelation of the word of God. Through the centuries of time, as the Church was stripped of her original revelation, God little by little withdrew His Spirit likewise. Every truth the Church lost in that manner, caused her to lose also something of the initial Holy Ghost experience the first Church enjoyed. 

When time moved into the Dark Age period, there was very little left of the original apostolic gospel. It was just a body of people motivated by tradition. That is why for a thousand years, which was the devil's millennium, people said, Hail Mary, mother of God, pray for us now and at the hour of our death and all such as that. None of those Christians of that first Age ever prayed to Mary. They all knew who their prayers were to be directed to. Jesus taught His disciples how to pray. (Matthew 6:6) "Pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." In John 16, verse 23, Jesus instructed His disciples to pray to the Father, in His name. "And in that day (after He has ascended to heaven) ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, He will give it you." Anyhow by the time the Church was found in that long period known as the Dark Ages, she had been stripped of every doctrine of the New Testament. That is why there had to be a period of time that we now refer to as the Reformation? A lot of the church people of the world do not realize why there had to be a Reformation; but that is because they are still trying to do something for God (as they might say) still living under a cloud of darkness. Revelation of the word of God, IS LIGHT.
 Furthermore you now have doctors of divinity out there caught up in this Charismatic realm, and many of them are saying Luther, Calvin, and those men were crazy; and that there never should have been such an hour as that: when they protested against that old system of bondage. Through those men, God restored to believers many of the truths Satan had robbed the Church of. I have to say, Thank God for every one of them. That was God's way of re-structuring His truth: It was His way of making it accessible to individual believers once again. The Church was set free from Roman Catholic domination a little at a time. However as soon as He would restore a truth, carnal minded mankind was ready to fence it in and denominate it. God would restore another truth; and man was ready to organize it. Just as fast as He could restore a truth, there stood someone ready to organize it.  On and on they went with this thing until the world became filled with denominational church systems all claiming to be the true Church of the living God. Where did that leave the end time children of this Grace Age? We can say really, We are the children of the old apostolic fathers because we are believing potentially on the merits of what they wrote. It is not what the old covenant contained, It is what the new covenant contained: that we have to know, in order to make ourselves ready to meet the Lord Jesus when He comes for His bride Church. Satan had stripped away the true revelation; and what had been restored was all mixed up and scattered to the four winds; so here we are, sitting in these denominational churches, ignorant of God's true purpose and void of a true understanding of what this new covenant was all about, this covenant that was given to the Gentiles in a true revelation nineteen hundred years ago. Where is this covenant, as the Grace Age is coming to a close? Is it with the Jews? No, it is with us!
  I do not want any doctor of divinity saying that we do not have the same covenant the Jews that were gathered in the upper room had. The Gentiles have been entrusted with the responsibility of keeping it until such time as it should go back to the Jews; but it was Gentiles (our forefathers) that let the devil strip it of its original apostolic meaning. This makes it necessary for there to come an Elijah spirit, not to the Jews to straighten up the gospel for them: but to the Gentiles, to straighten up this end time Church that Jesus is coming for. Do not think for one minute He is coming for a bunch of Baptists, Methodists and Presbyterians and what-have-you: as they perceive it to be out there. They do not even want truth. They are content just to observe their little rituals week after week and pretend that God is well pleased with them. That is what made it necessary for God to send a man to this Age, (A prophet messenger) and vindicate his ministry, and use him to speak Thus saith the Lord, concerning things that were shown to him.
  We can say this, The last thing that God did of any major extent, was give the revelation of His Godhead and true water baptism to some people in the Pentecostal hour that had its beginning back around the turn of the century. That is right where the messenger to this Age picked up. Here he came down the road, Get back to the word! Get back to God's word! He preached sanctification, he preached justification, he preached the baptism of the Holy Ghost, signs and wonders, water baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the second coming of Jesus Christ. He preached all those major doctrinal truths and very emphatically that Jesus is NOT the second person of the trinity your denominational systems preach about. He is not the second person of a trinity, He is the only person of the Godhead. The Creator, the very God of heaven was incarnate in this perfect, and completely obedient Son of His, whose name was Jesus; and who was called THE CHRIST. This is the way that prophet messenger to this Age presented God to the people he preached to. He presented the gospel message to this generation in its original form: just like the apostles of old preached it. The point I really want you to see though, is that just as John the Baptist was that Elijah to his generation, to prepare a people for the first coming of Jesus Christ, when He came to set this new covenant in motion, This man, William Marrion Branham, was that Elijah to this generation, to prepare a people for the next coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, when He comes to reap the fruit of this new covenant which has been a covenant of grace to Gentiles. That fulfills what Malachi wrote about God sending Elijah the prophet. "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great (When Jesus came the first time, that was the GREAT DAY OF THE LORD; and John the Baptist came with that Elijah anointing upon him and turned the heart of those Judaistic fathers to the children. They became the children of this new covenant; but there was no way John could have fulfilled the second part of that verse; because the DREADFUL DAY OF THE LORD HAS NOT COME YET.) and dreadful day of the Lord: It is obvious to anyone that this is a two fold prophecy; and it is certainly obvious to us that there was to be a great span of time elapse between the great day of His coming and the dreadful day of His coming. The dreadful day, will be when He comes to pour out the wrath of God on this generation of wicked people living here on earth at the end of this new covenant period of time. Malachi 4:(6) And he (this Elijah) shall turn the heart of the FATHERS TO THE CHILDREN (That was done two thousand years ago, when John came with that God identifying anointing of Elijah upon him.) and the heart of the children to their fathers, (This is the part Bro. Branham fulfilled when he came to this Laodicean Age with that same anointing upon him.) lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."
 That word LEST, could have been translated BEFORE. That is exactly what it means. All of this had to be accomplished before the Lord smites the earth with that curse, or judgment that is awaiting this wicked generation. That will get the predestinated children of God out of here before it comes. John's part in this was directed to the Jews. They were the first to receive this new covenant of grace. He turned the heart of the fathers to the children. They became the children of this new covenant. Then the gospel was given to the Gentiles; and over a process of time the message of it became so defiled it could not be recognized as the same gospel preached by the apostles of Jesus Christ. That made it necessary for something to be done to turn the heart's of these children of God in this generation back to the faith of their apostolic fathers: which we all understand was Matthew, Peter, James, John, Paul and all the rest of those apostles of that first Age. It is a beautiful picture; and I am very thankful to God for allowing me to be a part of what He is doing in this hour of time. We are enjoying an outpouring of the Spirit of God that is designed to finish up what those anointed servants of God were used by Him to prepare His people for. Mortal man has his plans; but God's plans are greater and we need to always be ready to submit ourselves to the leading of the Holy Ghost so we will carry out God's plans.
