Who is the General Overseer (G.O) of the Church

 Acts 20:28 "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.. " 

What is the idea behind church branches, and one claiming God's titles!

 Who is the General Overseer (G.O) of the church according to Acts 20:28? He's the one who bought the church with His blood. These so called G.O’s today can't die for any soul. Christ called us to be overseers over His own flock. Tell that pastor that the flock isn't his own but belongs to Christ.

We know that banks and companies are opening branches everywhere to gain more customers and grow income and gain ground, but these pastors are competing to outgrow the banks and for this reason they EMPLOY their own unconverted bible school products whom they have so filled with their manmade doctrines just because they want to make extra gain (tithes & offerings) from various locations that would be sent to the HEADQUATERS. I wonder how many of those early churches sent tithes and offerings to Apostle Paul in the early days. He was even so grateful when the Philippian church remembered him that he blessed them saying Philippians 4:19 "my God shall provide your needs, according to His riches in Glory through Christ Jesus". He obviously wasn't expecting any gift from any of those churches. These days our G.O's post pastors from branch to branch because they aren't making returns. If you don't meet a target you'd be sent to a rural area and you must be subject to their leadership as an employee is to an employer. Every true Man called into the ministry must be subject to whomever has called him. So if you’re called by God you subject yourself, your congregations, your ministrations, your sermons to the leadership of the Holy Spirit, who is the original General Overseer of every true church (physical or mystical) of Jesus Christ. But those that are called by their employers cum general overseers must be in subject or breach their contracts.

 The bible says a Bishop or Deacon must be the husband of one wife, meaning that women have no role to play in church leadership though they must be allowed to exercise their spiritual gifts according to 1Corinthians 12. But the Fivefold Ministry gifts are solely for men. For more on this topic see our article on woman pastors.

 Well, there's no controversy if these men choose to claim the flock as theirs because then we'll know they aren't even preparing any soul for Christ. They want to build their own kingdom here on earth and most certainly won't even hear the (trump) sound even if it was audible.

  He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend is his name saith the scriptures in Psalm 111:9. We know there are religious leaders who are addressed this way but here it plainly states that these are God's titles. So it's either they're ignorant of this or they're actually playing God. Thus confirming that they aren't preparing anyone for Christ.

 Run for your life if you show these scriptures to your erring pastor and he justifies himself with some unscriptural claim. The word of God is infallible and remains our absolute as Christians. 2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie…..

Beware and do not be Ignorant of what the Bible says! Romans 16:16 made us understand that the church in which the Early Christians attended was the "Church of Christ". Be a member and be added to the Church by the Lord Acts 2:47.
