11:9 - and they of the people and kindred and tongues and nation shall see (no
doubt by Satellite tv, Internet, YouTube, etc) their dead bodies (lie in the
streets) 3 ½ days and shall refuse to allow their dead bodies to be placed in
graves for 3 ½ days the world stares upon these dead bodies.
Much is heard today
concerning communication satellites, that is where pictures and words bounce
off a satellite and is seen and heard instantly in all parts of the world. Such is the influence of the advancing
social media community through which the world will be able to see by videos,
photos, as well as hear these facts by radio, tweets, blogs without delay.
Verse 10: The dead bodies lay in the street
and the whole (prophetic) world sends gifts one to the other because they are
glad to see these two men dead, because of the plagues which had been placed on
them. However, they will only lay there for 3 ½ days, long enough for their
bodies to bloat because since the world is making such a frenzy over this, God
intends to get glory from the very same thing.
Verse 11: The world who has been
rejoicing over the death of these two men is soon going to have their rejoicing
shattered, God is going to speak from heaven and these two men will stand on
their feet. No doubt there shall be a great buzz on the social media communities
when it happens. Wonder what the evening newscasters of the news media will say
that night concerning their raising from the dead leaving the earth and
ascending to heaven? The Bible declares in verse 13 and the same hour (in the
middle of the week) there will be a great earthquake. Where? In Jerusalem and
Israel. It seems that whenever a resurrection takes place in the land of
Israel, the earth just has to rejoice (remember the resurrection of Christ and
the old saints in “Matthew 27: 51 And, behold, the veil of the temple
was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the
rocks rent; 52 And
the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
53 And
came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and
appeared unto many.” ) Now, in this earthquake 7000 men
are slain and a tenth of the city falls, and the remnant gave glory to God.
Although that is true it does mean that they repented and got right with God.
Many people today when they see a phenomena occur will acknowledge it had to be
God, but it does not make them serve him. What else could they say; it happened
there before their very eyes.
God has a purpose for letting social media be on the increase in these last days, everything is created to serve His purpose. All the devil can do is pervert these things because he has no power to create. Jesus said unto them “Ye are of your father the........” if you are creatively using social media you know who your father is and if you are using social media as a pervert you know also who your father is.
God has a purpose for letting social media be on the increase in these last days, everything is created to serve His purpose. All the devil can do is pervert these things because he has no power to create. Jesus said unto them “Ye are of your father the........” if you are creatively using social media you know who your father is and if you are using social media as a pervert you know also who your father is.
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