Dealing with the fact that by one
spirit we are all baptized into
this one mystical body of Christ
on earth, we need to examine two
Pentecostal extremes. One
extreme says the moment you
accept Christ you are born again
and the baptism of the Holy
Ghost is only for power of
service, referring to it as though
the Holy Ghost is an added
optional to the believer. No
scripture indicates the Holy
Ghost is an optional thing! No,
beloved, it is the very life factor
of your soul’s salvation! The other
extremes says water baptism is
for redemption. But water
baptism does not constitute


Redemption in its entire
completeness is not until the Holy
Ghost is present in your life!
Water baptism in the name of
Jesus Christ is strictly for the
remission of sins, sins which you
as a sinner committed in your
flesh. Recall in John 20:23,
after Jesus appeared unto His
disciples giving the great
commission unto them, breathed
on them and said, Receive ye the
Holy Ghost He then said,
whosoever sins (not SIN) ye
remit they are remitted! What
did He mean - REMIT SINS?
How can anyone remit sins unless
they have the authority to do so?
Now understand Jesus was not
giving the disciples authority to
remit original sin because no man
can ever remit original sin of the
human nature, that can only be
accomplished strictly through the
blood of Jesus. The blood of
Jesus alone remits the original
sin of unbelief passed down into
our human nature by Adam in the
garden. Baptism in the name of
Jesus Christ is for the remission
of S-I-N–S (plural) which are
only the sins which have been
committed in the individual flesh
of that person: drinking, smoking,
adultery, lying, gambling, etc. It
was only for the Remission of
these S-I-N–S of the flesh that
Jesus was giving His disciples
permission or authority to remit
in John 20:23 saying, whosoever
S-I-N–S you remit they are
remitted! Remember the only
kind of sins an individual can ever
remit, as spoken of in John
20:23, can only be accomplished
or remitted through water
baptism exactly as was
accomplished in Acts 2:38.
Hebrews says, without the
shedding of blood there is no
remission of S-I-N. Note, here
sin is singular and here the word
remission carries no reference
whatsoever to the S-I-N–S
committed in the flesh which is
taken care of through proper
water baptism, but instead
relates strictly to the S-I-N of
unbelief produced by man’s fallen
nature and can only be atoned for
by the blood! That is why the
animal blood sacrifice was
ordained in the law because that
blood sacrifice spoke in types
and shadows of the atonement to
be made for the sins of all
mankind, that is, the sin of
unbelief produced by man’s fallen
human nature or soul.

